The Ultimate African Adventure

Discover the ultimate African adventure with our South Africa to Kenya tours. Starting from the city of Cape Town or Johannesburg, journey north to Nairobi.

Experience unforgettable safaris in premier game reserves such as Etosha Park (Namibia), Okavango Delta and Chobe (Botswana), South Luangwa (Zambia), Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater (Tanzania). Unwind on the stunning tropical beaches of Zanzibar and Malawi. Witness a breathtaking sunrise over the Namib Desert and feel the power of Victoria Falls.

These adventure overland tours use specially adapted trucks designed to handle the varied conditions along the route. We offer a range of tours to suit your needs, from budget camping to comfortable accommodation options.

This overland route is also available in reverse, starting in Kenya and ending in South Africa, offering flexibility for your adventure plans.

Join us for an extraordinary journey through the heart of Africa!

Our Top South Africa to Kenya Tours

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